Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, May 7, 2016

"Travel Sketching Essentials", May 22 at Daniel Smith

Venice, with jet lag...
The past few years, I've had the great good fortune to get to travel, sketch, study, and teach abroad. And part of what has been fun is looking for new tools and seeing what other sketchers around the globe use to do their drawing and painting.

So as our summer sketching season ramps up (and I prepare to leave again for six weeks, including teaching at the USk Symposium in Manchester!), I wanted to share that I'll be giving a talk and quick demo at Daniel Smith Seattle on Sunday, May 22 from 1:30-3:00pm

Called "Travel Sketching Essentials", I'll show and talk about the equipment I use when I've made my easel light and small, the tiny stool that fits in my backpack and weighs nothing, the palette I made and use on location (see below), the travel watercolor brushes and paints I've found and use.  If you are interested, I hope to see you there!

Melting at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, sketching with an amazing group after the USk Singapore 2015 Symposium.
In Singapore, Cambodia, and Thailand, the paints in our palettes never dried! This photo shows the palette I made that I
now use everywhere I travel. I'll provide a template for making your own at the talk.
Thank you Laurel Holmes for this photo.
Angkor Wat in Cambodia..painting where it is hot and humid is very different
from sketching in Seattle! You have to strategize differently about how to layer paint.

Cropped sketch from Angkor Wat...

Venice last summer, sketching with Marc Taro Holmes in Venice.
Thank you again, Laurel Holmes for this photo! After this trip, I ditched
this stool for a smaller one I found before heading to Asia with only carry-on luggage...


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  2. Nice story. I really liked it. My passion is also same. I love to travel and do some creative work along with my travelling. See at
