Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Relaxing In Mexico

My wife, friends and myself spent a week in Zihuatanejo (Zihua), Mexico for a little R&R.  We stayed in a timeshare resort that was right on the beach a short walk from the town center.  As you can see, while others read in their lounge chair, I brought out my pens, brushes and the acuarelas (watercolors).
Over the eight days, I ended up with 16 sketches.  Mostly I spent as much time as I wanted to capture the scene, but occasionally I had only a few minutes while the rest of my party was shopping in a small local shop.  Hope you enjoy the series as much as I enjoyed spending my vacation time sketching in a small Mexican beach town.  This would be a great place for the annual symposium if it could be held in April/May rather than July.  

Also thanks to Jane, I had the Urban Sketchers Manifesto in Spanish so that I could share with the locals what I was up to.   I enjoyed the interaction with the people as they shared their home town with me.  Gracias!

Cruise Ship in the Bay

Hobie Cats waiting for a customer

Hot afternoon poolside

Local beach community of Playa La Gatas

Bay view from favorite restaurant (Zihuatanejo across bay)

Playa La Ropa

First evening dinner on the beach
Small shops in Zihau
Local parish church with local traffic policeman
View from our bedroom terrace
Rocks at Playa La Madera
Building covered with stuffed trophy fish
Local fishing fleet in Zihua
The flea market shops in Zihua
Women sitting and talking in plaza

View from our unit of Playa La Ropa


  1. What a wonderful collection of sketches you made, David! That last one is my favorite. . . Can't imagine much more R&R then a beautiful beach like that.


  2. Beautiful collection of sketches, David...I feel as if I just took a little vacation to the warm tropics!

  3. Beautiful collection of sketches, David...I feel as if I just took a little vacation to the warm tropics!
