Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Urban Sketching at Drawing Jam

12/5/15 Skinner Auditorium filled with models and artists.

If you like to sketch people in action as much as I do, Gage’s Drawing Jam is a sketcher’s paradise! Even if you never enter any of the multiple studios filled with clothed, unclothed and wildly costumed models, lots and lots of people are available to draw – whether they know it or not. For the second year, Urban Sketchers Seattle used the Jam as an opportunity for a meetup, and what an opportunity it was!

12/5/15 John Rizzotto giving a still-life demo
After having a ball all morning in my favorite costumed model studio, my intention was to go back in there after the sketchbook sharing and lunch in the auditorium. Somehow, though, I never made it back, because the auditorium was filled with so many other people to draw. Of course, I did fill several pages of my sketchbook with one-minute sketches of models posing on the scaffolding set up for that purpose. But when I tired of that, I sketched the other artists, the musicians that changed out every hour (you might recognize some of them from last year’s sketches), and even a Gage instructor who was giving a still life demo. I didn’t even have to move my chair – I could just swivel around 90 or 180 degrees and sketch whatever I spotted in another direction. 

12/5/15 Tangletown String Band
12/5/15 Parnassus Project cellist
12/5/15 percussionist for Ask Sophie


Michele (fourth from back) shivers in the rain as we wait to bust the doors down at Gage!

I spotted at least two other urban sketchers at the Jam who didn't make it into
our group selfie!

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