I'd read an article in the Seattle Times this morning about the new Amazon building that will be using excess heat generated by all the servers at the Westin Building data centers. One of the photos showed the new Amazon building. I thought I could see it from our location. It's the one with the colored windows. And here comes the Monorail!

I had about 45 min left so I did a small sketch in my Pentalic pocket watercolor book. This is a detail of the Nordstom building across the street with a couple Seattle Seahawks' 12's and Sounders signs.

We gathered to share sketches......

....... and have a group photo. Peggy was new today. She is 3rd from right, in the back. Welcome, Peggy!

Great sketches, Kate! And look at all of you, warm and dry, coats off on a really wet day! Good choice of venue!