Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pumpkins in the Rain

There were about 14 sketchers who braved the distance and the weather for this fall sketch outing at Craven Farms outside Snohomish, WA.  The day was cloudy and rather dark, but not too cold.  Midway through the time there, it started to rain. 

I sat on a bench to sketch the scene with the old truck.

A friend had posted photos from a trip here yesterday.  So I knew this Minion was somewhere on the property.  It's made of a covered bale of hay or straw.  The goggle is a tire painted white!

We found shelter inside to share sketches and have a photo.  There were 2 new sketchers plus at least 2 others who didn't make it back to the sharing session and photo.

Thanks to Jackie's daughter for taking our group photo.


  1. Well done, steadfast sketchers!

  2. Congratulations! I think we may need to plan for an indoor location in October. Sweet sketches.

    1. We managed. They seem to be back in business, so maybe we can go back to Fall City next year as they have more indoor shelter!
