Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Astronauts come home

The Museum of Flight invited the public to celebrate the 50th Anniversary today.  There were many activities available but I was most interested in seeing all the "Astronauts about Town" gathered together on display.  I'd spent the summer sketching all 25 of them on-location.

Each of them had a poster with information and each poster included my sketch of that astronaut, which I'd allowed the Museum to use  (I'm a volunteer there).   

I meant my friend Tina after she got through the line.  I prevailed upon her to take my photo with my favorite astronaut and holding my poster of all the sketches.   (I'm dressed for the 60's costume contest, tie-dye and vintage buttons). 

I did one final sketch for this project: the astronauts on display under the Blackbird.

More on my personal blog, here.

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