Next Sketch Outing

Friday, Jan. 17: Museum of Flight

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Triple-Header of Urban Sketching

7/10/15 Westlake Center 
What a treat the past three days have been (and I don’t mean the return of our “normal” summer temperatures in the 60s and 70s, although there’s also that)!

It started Friday with an ad hoc outing to Westlake Center, where I sketched the cute miniature Ride the Ducks boat/bus, which is actually the ticket booth for the land and water tour vehicles. The round tree planters/benches made an interesting composition, but it wasn’t until I started sketching that all those tricky ellipses snuck up on me!

Saturday was the Pacific Northwest Regional Sketch Outing in Tacoma, organized by Urban Sketchers Tacoma. During my drive down south, I was only half-listening to the NPR radio program. The other half was mentally gearing up to do the sketch I knew I had to do: Union Station. Not because anyone was telling me I “should” sketch it or expecting me to sketch it – after all, the beauty of urban sketching is never having to sketch anything unless I want to – but because I knew I had avoided it on previous Tacoma sketch outings. I am my own worst enemy that way: If I perceive that I’m avoiding it, it means I need to do it.

7/11/15 Tacoma Union Station
Granted, there was a lot to avoid: The ornate Beaux-Arts rotunda, all those elegant curves, figuring out perspective in rounded objects. Ick. But I parked my sketch stool across the street from the station and yelled, “Bring it!” (OK, I didn’t really yell that, but I wanted to, since I face all architectural sketch challenges as personal battles.)

The three-day Urban Sketchers weekend culminated today with the Georgetown Garden Walk. Although I did pass through a couple of gardens quickly just so I could feel like I was officially part of the walk, I actually wasn’t planning to sketch in any gardens. Instead, I had my eye on one target: Hat ‘n’ Boots. A little more than a year ago, I had time to sketch only the boots half of this legendary landmark at Oxbow Park, and I’ve been wanting to go back to get the whole thing ever since. Cultural organization Cross Pollinate had invited artists and musicians to sketch, paint and perform throughout the day. It was so much fun to look around Oxbow Park and see easels and sketchbooks everywhere!

7/12/15 Hat 'n' Boots at Oxbow Park, Georgetown

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