Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Country Village Outing

The first sketch I drew was of one of the passenger cars.  It had been turned into some kind of office space out in the back parking area.

The train car wheels were laying nearby instead of under the train.  This area was next to the miniature train depot where the young families were waiting for the depot to open for rides..

Finally I captured one of the wind mills and the Fabric Shop on the main road into the village.


  1. Fun set of sketches. It was such a complex space with a lot of stuff. Hard to know what to focus on but you did a great job.

  2. Excellent sketches. I remember seeing the last one but not the first two.

  3. The first two were on the previous pages in my sketchbook. We all have to remember to look on other pages of each of our sketchbooks to find other sketches.

  4. Love these sketches, David. Your colors are super vibrant.
