Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sketches from Sketchcrawl at Seattle Chinese Garden

Last Sunday was a fabulous morning for sketching!  You couldn't ask much more.  I had been to the Seattle Chinese Garden in 2011 and this was the first time since then that I had been back.  It was nice to see the plantings that had matured and new planted areas that were done.  I can't wait until they get the larger pond developed.  Here are sketches both from this last Sunday and the sketch I did in 2011.


  1. Friendly looking beautiful garden and nice sketches!

    1. Thank you BH Yoo. It really is a beautiful garden and I look forward to seeing how it changes in the future.

  2. I love the subtleness, serenity, of the upper two sketches. Your perspective/construction lines in the lower sketch are perfect too. This helps me understand there is a conscious choice of which style to use. Absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thanks for the comments Patty, I always try different approaches to sketching. These days I am working on a looser approach that doesn't depend on ink line.

  3. Gosh, Gail, these new sketches are wonderful! Also, the set of 6 sketches of a NYC scene. Seems like they are bolder, and your palette is different. And your looser approach does not sacrifice clarity, or contrast.

    1. Thanks Peggy, Still learning how to paint without dependence on the line. It is like sketching with out a net and I have to look at it in a different fashion. It's all one big experiement!
