Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday at Museum of Flight

The Friday sketchers adhoc met at the Museum of Flight today.  It would have been a perfect day for an outdoor outing, but one never knows in March.

I sketch here all the time.  Today, I let the USk global flickr pool's weekly theme of "star
shapes" guide me.  I knew I could find an aircraft with a star!  This is a 1940 prototype

One place I've never sketched is the WWI environments.  I wanted to do the trenches exhibit, with it's crashed aircraft.  But it was just tooo dark.  So I sketched this ruined farmhouse which serves as a theater.

Stillman & Birn hardbound Zeta sketchbook; Platinum Carbon Black in a Platinum Cool Pen; Daniel Smith Watercolors

Sharing our sketchbooks:

The group photo with Boeing 787 Dreamliner (#3), Concorde and a shrink-wrapped B-29 in the background.

standing:  Susan, Pat, Gwen, Peggy, Donna, Steve, Gloria, Frances
kneeling: Natalie, Tina, Kate(me)

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