Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sketchcrawl from Starbucks Roastery

It was great getting back into it from a long hiatus.  I haven't been to a sketch crawl since the August, so it was nice seeing everyone on Sunday.  It was a great turnout!
The Roastery was pretty overwhelming with a lot of stuff to sketch and a lot of people.  I found   a nice place to sit by the window and sketch, getting an over view of the interior space by the coffee bar.

I tried to watercolor on site but the Noodlers Ink needed more time to set on the paper.  I just decided to sketch in ink the rest of the time and wandered outside to sketch the signage on  Melrose St.  and then found the entrance to Melrose Market.  It is hard to find because it looks as if you are entering a private restaurant but is really just one of the establishments in the Market.  I feel that we just scratched the surface of places to sketch in the area.  This is definitely a great place to hang out if you can find parking.

Inside Starbucks Reserve Roastery

Melrose Market
Melrose St.


  1. What a nice collection. I wish I had gone outside for a bit. Great to see your work again!

    1. Thanks Jane,
      It has been a while. A bit rusty but great to be back at it.

  2. Such rich colors, Gail...really beautiful palette!

  3. Thanks Stephanie,
    I think it got a bit too dark though. I love the light in yours.
