Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

It's a small world

Tuesday was another beautiful day.... sun and 61 degrees.  I'm even seeing pink blossoms on the trees.  Good day for outdoor sketching!

I went to the same area in which my husband and I went for a walk on Monday. There are several trails around the Green River in Kent, WA.    As we drove to the area on Monday, we passed the REI Corporate Headquarters.  I remembered I'd wanted to sketch there.  That was my first stop today.

Next I drove the narrow road along the Green River.  I stopped at a foot bridge.  Even though it was about 3pm, there were a lot of people out walking and bicycling.

Now for the small world.  A man came up to me while sketching and we talked a little. Then he asked me if I knew Gabriel Campanario.  "Yes, I do".  Turns out this is Mark Greengo , who was the man who guided Gabi on the kayak trip to sketch the crumbling Kalakala ferry 3 years ago.  He told me his version of the story, which was the pretty much the same as I remember Gabi telling during his tour of his MOHAI exhibit that featured a wall sized version of that sketch. 

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