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Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Mobile Sketching: Shoreline and Ballard

1/6/15 Haller Lake Baptist Church, Shoreline
I’ve been sketching a lot in my “mobile studio” lately. I don’t always get the best view or composition in a parked car, but during these worst months of winter, it’s better than nothing.

Yesterday I spotted the Haller Lake Baptist Church in Shoreline. I’m sure you know that architecture is not my favorite sketching subject, especially modern architecture. Yet something about this particular church caught my attention. When I think of classic Christian church details – tall, pointy steeple, cross above, stained-glass windows – they’re all here, yet with a very contemporary interpretation. And I also couldn’t help seeing the power pole next to it, paralleling the cross. It was a composition I couldn’t resist.

1/7/15 Bardahl Oil in Ballard
Then today I was in Ballard a little early for an appointment, so I drove around and found the backside of the old Bardahl Oil sign, which has been lighting up the Ballard skies since 1953,” according to the Ballard News-Tribune. A couple of trees, a bunch of parked cars, some bushes and a variety of other stuff was partially obstructing my view of the bright yellow barn-like building, so I had to fake it, but at least I had a clear view of the sign. I made a note to come back when the weather warms up so that I can stand on the street and get a proper view.

1 comment:

  1. Tina,
    I like the way you dealt with the church sketch. The colors really work well together.
