Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, Jan. 25: Gab & Grab

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Café Days

I've been enjoying hanging out with Donna exploring the many coffee shops Seattle has to offer. We read the paper, sketch, I rough out my next comic-diary page and often just before leaving, capture the scene around us. Here is a sampling:

 Chocolati, Green Lake.
 Bauhaus Coffee, Green Lake
 Fremont Coffee, Fremont (duh)
 Revolution Coffee, Green Lake
Sunlight Café, Roosevelt


  1. Nice collection, Steve. I especially like the reflections in the Chocolati furniture. Congratulations on the Craftsy opportunity also.

  2. Love your work; am curious how you shade the monochrome drawings; digitally, grey ink/brush or watercolour?

  3. What an inspiration to get out there and sketch Steve. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks, all. Bruce- the work is entirely ink. Uniball for the lines, and diluted India Ink applied in thin layers with a brush for the shading.
