Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Café Days

I've been enjoying hanging out with Donna exploring the many coffee shops Seattle has to offer. We read the paper, sketch, I rough out my next comic-diary page and often just before leaving, capture the scene around us. Here is a sampling:

 Chocolati, Green Lake.
 Bauhaus Coffee, Green Lake
 Fremont Coffee, Fremont (duh)
 Revolution Coffee, Green Lake
Sunlight Café, Roosevelt


  1. Nice collection, Steve. I especially like the reflections in the Chocolati furniture. Congratulations on the Craftsy opportunity also.

  2. Love your work; am curious how you shade the monochrome drawings; digitally, grey ink/brush or watercolour?

  3. What an inspiration to get out there and sketch Steve. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks, all. Bruce- the work is entirely ink. Uniball for the lines, and diluted India Ink applied in thin layers with a brush for the shading.
