Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, July 27: South Lake Union Market

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pioneer Square Station

11/16/14 Pioneer Square Station mezzanine level

Our outdoor thermometer read 33 degrees when I left the house this morning to head for Pioneer Square Station. Despite the chill, the bright sunshine brought out a good showing of Urban Sketchers Seattle to sketch in and around the Metro tunnel station.

I decided to get the hard one out of the way first – the view from the mezzanine level out toward the tunnel, plus a few sketchers.

The tunnel station turned out to be colder than I thought it would be. By the time I finished that sketch, I was so chilled that I had to go outdoors to seek sunshine! I set my stool down on Second and Yesler facing west. Just as I was finishing up, I ran into Michele, so we ducked inside Shawn O’Donnell’s American Grill and Irish Pub to warm up with coffee and a quick sketch of the bar. 

Second and Yesler facing west
Shawn O'Donnell's pub

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