Next Sketch Outing

Friday, Jan. 17: Museum of Flight

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mad Campus Art

I had intended to sketch more of the art at UW's Mad Campus Art Exhibit but just couldn't find the time to do it. But here is the one sketch I did of the Lone Stranger by Piper O'Neill.  It was such a colorful and fanciful addition to the campus!

I was able to find time to do another sketch on the one dry day this week.  Luckily the Sine Wave was still there.    The Sine Wave is a wood sculpture by artist W. Scott Trimble and appropriately located by the Physics and Astronomy building.  You see Astronomy building behind the Sculpture.


  1. Wonderful view of this wacky sculpture. I need to remember to try looking at the long view!

  2. Thanks Kate, Yes I always try to put enough context in the view.
