Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Ad Hoc at the Arboretum

It was off and on sprinkles this morning as the ad hoc Friday Sketchers met at the UW Arboretum.  Five stalwart sketchers managed to mostly avoid the rain. I think it was raining a bit as I sketched the Wilcox Footbridge.  I sat under a large tree, which may have sheltered me from the drops.

While waiting for the others to arrive for our sketch sharing, I quickly did a sketch of  a planter on the patio of the Graham Visitors Center. This is a small sketch in the pocket Moleskine.

We shared sketches...

PeggyH, Sue, Kate (both), Tina (top), PeggyJG (2 lower)

....and then posed for the group photo.
Standing (L to R)  PeggyJG, Tina, Sue; sitting PeggyH, Kate

Nilda arrived late and didn't sketch, so she took the photo. 

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