Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, March 29: Third Place Commons and Olympia cherry blossoms

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Alki Beach Sketch Outing

A little more than 20 sketchers gathered for our outing to Alki Beach in West Seattle.

I'd sketched beach scenes earlier in the year so I went straight to something I'd spotted on my previous trip.  I liked this fish sculpture over a restaurant.  It has such an expressive face.

And then, of course, I had to sketch the small version of Lady Liberty,  as many others did this morning.  "The Statue of Liberty, a small replica of the original "Liberty Enlightening the World" in New York City, was a gift from Reginald H. Parsons and the Seattle Council of the Boy Scouts of America in 1952."  While I was sketching, a crow landed on the very top of the torch so I included it.

We gathered to share sketches....

.... and then had our group photo

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