Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring in Cascade P-Patch, SLU, Seattle

What a grand week we had!!  When I had meeting in the South Lake Union (SLU) area of Seattle, I rode my bike, with my chair and portable materials so I could sketch in the P-Patch at Cascade.  I  had barely stepped into the garden before I stopped to sketch!

I had lunch at a place called Nollie's, on Harrison.  It looks small, but once inside, there are multiple rooms, including a couple upstairs, with views E and also NW, where all the construction is happening.  Good food! and a good meeting.  Then I returned to the P-Patch, to work on that amazing view I found before my meeting.  (This value sketch was completed prior to my meeting - sketched with water-soluble Indigo Blue pencil, followed with ink-tinted water brushes.)

View from second floor at Nollie's

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