Next Sketch Outing

Friday, Jan. 17: Museum of Flight

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

In the International District - Seattle

Yes!!  This sketch IS  in the I.D. of Seattle, but it sure is an unusual building!!  When I met up with Seattle's USkers this past Sunday, I walked past this building - located right across the street from Uwajimaya, and across 5th Ave and a courtyard from Starbuck's, our meet-up place.  It sure was tempting to sit INSIDE to do my sketch, but the angle wasn't right, so I braved the cold, damp rain to sit outside, fortunately under cover.  Over an hour and a half later, I had completed the ink sketch, but standing up to move was - oh, so stiff, and cold fingers, so I finally did go back into Starbuck's, to enjoy a latte, and thus I did the painting inside!
If anyone knows the history of the building, or the name of the original building, I would love to know.


  1. Peggy, that was the old or original Uwayimaya building!

  2. It turned out great, Peggy. I like the soft lines and great color.
