Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sketching at Seattle Bouldering Project

Our February sketch outing this morning was at the Seattle Bouldering Project. It was a good thing we were indoors! The sunny and dry morning quickly turned to rain. Seattle Bouldering was the perfect spot. There was a mezzanine overlooking one of the main bouldering rooms and  great options for views up close on the mats. The sketches generated from this outing were quite varied in content and what an opportunity for figure drawing. Movements were slow and most people held poses long enough that you could quickly get the gesture down. A successful sketching day!  We continue to get more new people coming to our sketch outings infusing new life to our group!  Thanks all for coming.  Remember to post your sketches on our flickr photostream.


  1. Fabulous sketches, Gail and all! Sorry I missed it!

  2. A great idea for a sketch outing. Will have to look into borrowing that for the Portland sketchers. All of the posted sketches were wonderful!

    1. Deb, we are always trying to find interesting indoor spaces during winter!

    2. Yes...same here. It goes with the territory!
