Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Outing to MOHAI

For the second time this month the Seattle Urban Sketchers visited the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI).  This time it was our regularly monthly sketch outing.

It seemed like we were every where around the Museum.  I think I count 6 in this photo:

This Ramage printing press is from the early 1880's.  The card near it read, "Made in Philadelphia, this hand-cranked press was popular with newpaper publishers out West: it was light, simple and well-made.  After rounding the Horn on a ship, it printed pioneer newspapers in California, Oregon, Alaska - and Washington".

There was little information about the dress on the mannequin next to it.  It is cotton and described as "perfect for the hopeful Mercer Girl making her way to frontier-town Seattle".

Next I joined Carleen at the wonderful view windows in the Drawn to Seattle exhibit area.  They are designed so visitors can try their own hand at sketching the scenes out the windows. 

This is a tiny 3x5 sketch of some buildings under construction, the ubiquitous cranes and the 12th man flag.  Today is game day for the Seahawks and the one that determines whether they go to the Super Bowl.

There was a huge group of Urban Sketchers today.  As usual, we gathered to show our sketches and take a group photo.  I couldn't get everyone in!
It took 4 tables together to show our sketches

Then I did one more sketch after we dispersed.  These are feet under the sculpture called "Wawona".It is named for the 165 foot long historic schooner built in 1896 and dismantled in 2009.  This sculpture is carved from it's wood.  A section of it is below the floor into Lake Union.  People can stand inside and look down into the lake. 

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