Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Opening event for Gabi's show at MOHAI

Several of us attended the opening event.  From the website:  "MOHAI’s exhibition, Drawn to Seattle: The Work of Seattle Sketcher Gabriel Campanario, featuring sketches from the award-winning Seattle Times blog and weekly column, “Seattle Sketcher.”    

Gabi gave a brief talk and then led tours of the exhibit.I sketched him from the balcony above during the talk:

The big toe from the "Toe Truck" is in the foreground.  The projection screen is a bit of photo collage

There were several Seattle Urban Sketchers sketching around the museum during the event.
David sketching; in the background (in green sweater) is Jane
I'd seen a few photos from the exhibit.  But I wasn't prepared for how huge it is.  There are so many drawings spanning quite a few room sized spaces. There are two cases of sketchbooks from other Seattle Urban Sketchers.
All of my photos from the event are here.

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