Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Before we leave Thanksgiving....

Here is a sketch of our thanksgiving spread at the end of a day of eating... a total of 9 pies and cakes on the table.  I ran out of room and didn't get the last one in.  This is a holiday tradition our kids have really gotten into. Both kids and the adults bake their favorite pie or cake.  It ends up being about a half a pie for each person. Even a little sliver of each to taste fills our plates.  Fun tradition although I am sure it is bad for our health! 


  1. Awesome sketch, really captures an abundant Thanksgiving table so well! YUM! How did you find time to sketch it before it was all gone? :)

    1. Thanks Stephanie,
      Each person shares what they are thankful for. After I shared, I ran to get my sketchbook...It takes at least a half an hour to go around the table. When we have over 20 people it can take even longer. The little kids use to be really impatient while adults share their thankfulness. The kids would always say they were thankful for the pies. Of course as they grow up they really get into sharing about their lives. It is a great tradition!

    2. What a wonderful story to go along with your sketch! And that explains how you were able to capture the moment--thanks, Gail!
