Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Friday, November 15, 2013

An interesting week..

There must be a strange alignment of the planets this week...

On Tuesday, I posted this sketch to my flickr page and within minutes, started to watch it go "viral". Within 24 hours, it got over 10,000 views, over 18,000 views of my flickr page!!!!! Really perplexed how this could happen, I posted it on Facebook, and it was Georgia Urban Sketcher Debo Boddiford who realized that it had probably been picked up by Flickr Explore--a sampling of images from all of Flickr. And indeed, it had!  What an amazing phenomenon to watch in such a short period of time, it is now up to 11, 675 views with 142 favorites...

The last sketch of my 3month Gabriel Prize adventure.  Flat gray light along the Seine, a one minute walk from
where I was living at the Citê des Arts.  Not my best sketch, but it is loaded with sentimental value.
You can see the towers and spire of Notre Dame and a peekaboo view of Soufflot's Pantheon.

If that weren't enough for one week, last night I was honored in the 2013 KRob international architectural delineation competition for Best Travel Sketch, for the second year in a row.
This is a huge honor, I am so thrilled.  It is proof that lightning can strike twice in the same place!  

This is a sketch of the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, a building I passed all the time.  Near the end of my trip, I decided I had to attempt a sketch, so as all good Urban Sketchers, I sat in the dirt of a tree well, about 3 feet from moving traffic. 
So wonderful to have caught the memory of this place in a sketchbook...

Thank you alignment of planets and stars...


  1. Congratulations Stephanie! I saw the KRob awards on my RSS earlier, and knew the sketch to be yours right away. Needless to say, beautiful sketches!

    1. Wow, thank you BK--I didn't really think I had an identifiable style...hmmm...
      Thanks for your message, I am so happy to have received the KRob honor~~S

  2. Terrific news! Way-to-go! Frank B.

  3. Thank you, Carleen!! I'm still floating a few feet off the ground...

  4. Your work is superb Stephanie, Congratulations.

  5. And I wish I could sketch like you, Gail! Thank you so much for the kind words~~ see you sketching soon!
