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Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dream Cars, or How to Slay a Sketching Nemesis

6/29/13 Platinum Carbon Black ink, watercolor, Stillman & Birn sketchbook
When I was 16 and barely licensed, my dream car was the Datsun 240-Z. I wondered how long I would have to save my part-time, minimum-wage, concession stand income to be able to buy one. I knew it would be a while, but at least it would give me time to learn how to drive a stick.
That’s one of the memory lanes I cruised down this morning at the 21st annual Greenwood Car Show which, according to its website, is “a mile and a half of classic rides.” Cars are still one of my sketching nemeses – all those smooth lines that are neither organic nor straight, all those shiny surfaces – so I thought the car show would be good practice while also being a lot of fun. It was definitely both.
A car that caught my eye first was one of my adult dream cars – in fact, the car I now drive (some dreams are possible to achieve once you start earning a grown-up salary): A red Mazda Miata. Compared to all the other souped-up beauties, this one seemed ordinary, and not even very old. The owner was nowhere in sight, but an admirer walking by told me why this Miata was special: It has a Corvette engine. Right next to it was a gorgeous yellow ’55 Chevy. Its owner, Steve, told me that although he has owned this one for only four years, he previously owned another of the same model that was originally purchased by his grandfather. When asked if he actually drives it, he said he and his wife use it to go get hamburgers.
6/29/13 Platinum Carbon Black ink, watercolor, Stillman & Birn sketchbook
Shortly afterwards I spotted my first dream car, or close to it: A metallic green 260-Z. David, its owner for the past 13 years, told me it is nearly 100 percent original, even the windshield wipers, and the only thing he has changed are the wheels. This baby is pampered – it has “never been in the rain,” he said. Well, except for this morning’s surprise sprinkle.

The Greenwood Car Show: I think it could just as well be called The Greenwood Dream Show.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tina, my husband and I went to Tai Chi this morning and got to the auto show about 10:30. Arrived home at 2:00pm. Long exhausting day. I sketched the cherry red MG. Too many people, dogs and kids to get a good place to sit later in the day. Love your sketches.
