Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Taking Flight at Emerald City Trapeze Arts.

 We had a great turn out today at Emerald City Trapeze Arts.   I would consider this one of the most challenging venues we have attempted to sketch. It was also thrilling to watch the flying trapeze class.  Both adults and children attempted working on the flying trapeze.  It was impressive and fun to watch.  The structure itself felt like a cathedral to trapeze arts from below.  I would love to go out there again to sketch.

Watching Flying Trapeze class.

View from below.


  1. Nice contrast between the waiting parents and the posed, pink trapeze artist.

  2. Gail, you captured the space so well! Thank you for organizing this location -- what a thrill!

  3. Great sketching! Thanks for making arrangements so we could sketch at this fantastic setting! Hope we can go again in another year. Frank B
