Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Nov. 3: Overlook Walk

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sky Nursery in a Snowstorm!

A few of the Urban Sketchers met up at Sky Nursery today.  Hard to believe on March 22nd, but I drove up there in a wild snowstorm (albeit so brief, it had stopped before I got there.)  It did keep one would-be sketcher away, but the other 3 made it just fine.  It was good to be inside (outside was 36 degrees when I arrived!) and the flowers tempted all of us, but we each found other interesting subjects.  The nursery was full of yard art, and every manner of pottery.  In this sketch, I was taken by the repeated circular images.

Sitting and sketching in a rather cool nursery, I knew I had to go into the "Indoor Plants" room to do my second sketch.  Ahhhh, warmth, and green all over, and by the time I was finished, we had sunbreaks adding to the glow.
Definitely a fun place to go, and it was the first time I ever went to a nursery and did not buy any plants!!


  1. These are great! Staying in my cozy house was too much of a temptation.

  2. I agree. These are very good! I like how you've painted the clutter of pots in the first one.
