Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

U-District's Weaving Works

Since I love fibers, I often visit Weaving Works, on Brooklyn Ave. in the U-District.  They recently wrote that they would be moving to a new location sometime by next 2014.  So I drove over to get a sketch before this long-term establishment disappears.  When I found my spot, there was one of the mural walls that Gabi C. wrote about on one of his recent postings, so of course I had to include that also!
I love stairways, and the particular coziness of this pathway to my neighbors home struck me the other day.  I've looked at that view for 5 years whenever I am in my kitchen, but the other day, it begged to be sketched.

1 comment:

  1. I love your sketches of Weaving Works. It truly captures the down hominess and celebration of color and texture that the store is all about. It is now late March,2014 and they still havent moved !
