Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More Trapeze

This was an interesting sketch location in that the views were tighter than normal, the transparent nets added a layer that was difficult to capture the true nature of the space, and then the person subjects were in continual motion!!!
I felt everyone tackled these problems in real creative ways.   I chose to avoid these issues by sketching at the back of the balconey and drawing the Sketchers who were on the balconey madly trying to sketch the aerialist in flight.  The Sketchers all stayed still for many minutes!

After everyone left, I decided that I needed to capture one more view of the setting from the exterior that shows the high bay of the warehouse where all the high wire training occurs.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely sketches, David. I tried to sketch the sketchers at first also because they were standing still, but Gabi ended up with foreshortened legs! I love both of your perspectives, from behind the sketchers and from outside the building.
