Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cancer Survivor's Park ~ Dallas, Texas

I was in Dallas for a conference at the Sheraton for the past few days. This park -- called the Cancer's Survivor Park is just in front of the hotel. I didnt have much time to sketch so I started this on the sunny first day of the conference in a few minutes of time I had. I had to leave before I could finish and didnt get back out until early this morning when it was cloudy and rainy and the lighting was very different. It started raining pretty hard so I had to go inside to finish from a photo in the few minutes before I had to catch the shuttle to the airport. The final touches were done waiting to board the plane and then in the air on the way home. As I sat in the park I thought about my stepmom Bea Feit who died from ovarian cancer a couple of years ago. She fought the cancer for 10 years. She was a survivor. I also thought about my friend Fran's husband Bob Godlove who was her best friend and a magnificent dad to their two kids. He died years ago from sinus cancer a very painful death. He fought hard. He was a survivor. At first I didnt want to sit in the park, but it was the only place I had time to draw. I'm glad I did and now I understand the purpose of a cancer survivors park.

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