Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Burke Museum

2/22/13 fountain pen, Zig marker

Bones, bones and more bones! While some of the stuffed, lifeless birds and animals at the Burke Museum made me a bit sad, I found the skeletons thrilling! I summoned my inner paleontologist to sketch the huge Paraphysornis brasilienis, or Terror Bird from Brazil, a cast replica of a 22 million-year-old skeleton. And talk about timing – I finished my sketch just as a billion children on a field trip suddenly surrounded the Terror Bird.
Tucked behind the main exhibits is an education area that wasn’t in use today (a quiet respite from the field trip). There I spotted a case with a full skeleton of a Hoplophoneus, a cat similar to a saber tooth that lived 25 million years ago. A few of us who had gathered to sketch at the Burke were meeting to share sketchbooks in 15 minutes, so I focused on the skull. But next time, I’m going to tackle the whole cat.
2/22/13 fountain pen


  1. No bones about it, Tina, these sketches are STUNNING!

  2. It is always fun and challenging to draw skeletons. It is also very informative.

  3. This is amazing! Great job with our terror bird, Tina!

  4. Thanks, everyone! And Burke Museum, I will definitely be back soon to sketch some more bones!
