Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Serial Vision

The converging lines and foreshortened shapes of a perspective drawing give it a dynamic quality. Yet, it remains a static view—a moment in time—as seen from a single point in space. To better convey movement through space, we can use a series of changing perspective views, as English architect and urban designer Gordon Cullen did when he coined the phrase Serial Vision to describe what one might see and experience as one walks through a sequence of spaces.

This is what I intended to depict when the Seattle Urban Sketchers met yesterday at Suzzallo Library on the UW campus. These drawings chronicle how one approaches the library from across Red Square, enters one of its portals, moves through the lobby and up the main staircase, and arrives in the main reading room.

Above are four of the nine sketches I did in two hours and twenty-five minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Incredibly fascinating..the analysis, the perspective, and the eyes enjoy walking with your sketch lines!
