Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Georgetown Revisited

 Yesterday morning, with a few encouraging sun breaks, I drove down to Georgetown to sketch.  Seattle USk had gone there last August and I promised myself I would return, because there's so much character in all the old buildings.  That's especially true with the partial walls and abandoned factory of the "old brewery" as folks refer to it.  Weathered signs identify the company: "Seattle Brewing and Malt Company."
This is sketched in Noodler's ink, which must always sit and dry before one takes water to it.  So I laid in the watercolor at home.

While there, I decided to experiment with an under-drawing using Derwent's Graphtint, dk. indigo, which is water-soluble, following by watercolor, again finished at home.

I am also playing with ink and wash, but the Diamine "Ancient Copper" was too intensely burnt sienna, so I won't post that study.

A  fine time, and more promises to return, were followed by a stop at Daniel Smith's!!

1 comment:

  1. I know that spot, I remember looking at it last year at the street fair. Thanks for capturing the charm i saw in it.
