Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A couple of sketches from last weekend trip to NYC

I traveled last weekend to run the NYC marathon which ended up being cancelled as soon as my plane hit the ground due to Hurricane Sandy. I was staying in Chelsea/Greenwhich Village at my brother's place so I took the opportunity to finish this sketch of a building in Greenwich Village that I started last March when I was there to run the NYC 1/2 marathon. The building was pretty much the same as when I left it except there were men's suits in the store window instead of the cute dresses that were there last spring.

The power was out at my brother's place after the hurricane and started to come on in the stores and buildings one store at a time. My brother treated me to my first-ever pedicure at Spa Belles a little shop in Chelsea that had just gotten their power back. I drew Tina while she was working on my feet. The staff there laughed at me with all of my wincing and sketching and Tina politely smiled and shook her head a little when I finished the sketch. I'm pretty sure she didnt think it looked like her.


  1. Great sketches, Jackie! Too bad about the marathon... I know you were training hard for it!

  2. No fallen building facades? What persistence - a year long drawing! Nice sketches.

  3. All the detail on the building is so appropriate and effective, Jackie. Very cool.
