Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The house across the street

On the one fine day we had this week, (I think it was Monday?)  I did this sketch. I had started it while waiting for a ride to our last sketch outing (basically I was 5 min into the drawing).  It is a sketch of the house across the street.  This  carriage house and the main house adjacent to it was built in 1910.  It had belonged to a family who had lived in it for over 35 years.  They raised three sons and a daughter in it and saw the grand kids of that family grow up. The carriage house and the property it is on was subdivided and sold.  Our new neighbors renovated the carriage house and built a new modern house behind it.  In the last 4 years,  the main house and the carriage house have each seen two new owners.  

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