Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall City Farms Pumpkins and Goats

Thanks Jane and Gail for organizing this interesting location at the Fall City Farms for the WWsketchcrawl! After being the one to say "This is Seattle, what's a little bit of rain?" I discovered mid-sketch that my book was getting completely soaked and I had to run for cover with the goats to save all the sketches in my book. The one I was working on got completely soaked and any white spaces I tried to leave were washed away. When I was waiting for my sketchbook to dry, the goat decided to try to eat it. After things dried out, I had about 10 minutes left to try one more sketch while undercover of Gail and some of the other sketchers drawing in the middle of the pumpkin farm while a musical quartet in cowboy hats played for the crowd.


  1. I'm glad you didn't let a little rain get your goat! (groan)

  2. Funny, Tina! Nice sketches, Jackie, despite the rain. I think this first experience in significant rain has taught me to bring a couple books or other paper so one an dry while I work on a second sketch. Even if one isn't soaked by the rain, like yours, the watercolor takes forever to dry in that weather!

  3. Jackie,
    This is a great story and something that you will always remember! Your sketches did well despite the rain!
