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Wednesday, Jan. 8: Union Station

Monday, September 17, 2012

Introduction - Kate Buike

This is my first post as a brand new contributor to Urban Sketchers Seattle.  I'm Kate Buike.  I just found Urban Sketchers on 21 February 2012 when Gabi Campanario appeared on a local show promoting his book, The Art of Urban Sketching.  Right then and there I said to myself, "That's what I want to do".  That Sunday, 26 February, I attended my first Sketch Crawl with this wonderful group and I've missed few since.

I just retired in August 2011.  Though I have a couple volunteer activities and lots of interests and hobbies, there was room for more.  Urban Sketching has brought me back to the practice of art and sketching that I enjoyed when I was young(er).  I had a some training and showed my art a little but after getting my first SLR camera in 1974, all my artistic expression went into photography.  Until now. It has been decades since I drew or painted and I am enjoying renewing my skills.  I especially am enjoying this group!

I was born and raised in Michigan.  I’ve also lived & worked in England, Germany, Southern California and now Washington. I have a Masters Degree in Social Work and I’m a medical Social Worker with a past specialty in Oncology.  I've been married for 32 years.  My husband is a computer professional. 

I live in south King County and have been showing a bit of my area of Puget Sound in my sketches.  I chose this one to post here first not because it is my most recent one but because it represents where I live and it amuses me.  This is a Boeing 737 fuselage on a train, presumably headed for the Renton Boeing plant.  I often see trains like this passing through town.  The first time I saw one, I thought it looked very funny.  I had time to draw this as the train was waiting for cars to be towed! It was during Renton River Days and somehow some parked cars were blocking the train's passage. 

Plane on a train:

My Blog: Red Harp Arts
My flickr page:  RedHarp


  1. Nice sketch! Welcome to the blog. Look forward to seeing more.

  2. Yay, Kate! You're probably one of USK's most enthusiastic ambassadors! Great to see you here!

  3. Welcome Kate! Glad you had the TV on that day! ;)

  4. I think it was that same TV show that lit my urban sketching fire too, back in 2012. Gabi promoting his book and showing off his illustrations on King 5 New Day Northwest. I am happy I was tuned in at that moment.
