Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Friday, July 20, 2012

With Whidbey Island Sketchers

I joined the Whidbey Island Sketchers last Friday
in their weekly sketchcrawl in Langley.  They have a great group
 that met at the Langley Marina to sketch and socialize.
The weather was a little rainy at first, but cleared as the
afternoon wore on.  They were very welcoming and
I appreciate being included in their group for the day.

I was sitting under the dock while doing this sketch to avoid the rain drops. 
 I almost got sprayed with a water hose from a boater who was washing off
something on the dock above me toward the end of sketch time. 

 The ketch in the middle of the sketch pulled out and left while I was
laying out the sketch.  I had to work quickly to remember details.

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