Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Monday, May 21, 2012

One I liked and one I didn't like

Sometimes the weather does impact your sketching ability.  When your view is in a place not protected by overhangs it is hard to get in a good sketch.   I liked the view point of my first sketch and started sketching, however the rain started coming down and  I had to get back in the car to let the page dry out. I proceeded to add water color and then used my Hero pen to reinforce missing lines over my sketch.  That was a mistake the sketch got overworked and I wasn't happy with the line quality.  Learn to keep your self from doing too much. 
View from the Mountaineers club

I then went to the Historic officer's quarters to sketch the officer's housing.  Found a nice place under a fir tree that gave me fairly ample protection  until is started to blow I moved into the car once again to add watercolor.  This time I left the original  line work.  I liked the final outcome of this.
Officer's Housing at Sand Point Naval  Station, Magnuson Park


  1. Well, the second one IS perhaps more elegant - I especially like the treatment on that row of windows and the weird shades - but I think you're too hard on yourself on the first one. Great color there, esp. on the blue|rock wall. That being said, I have a lot of respect for your posting one you think you messed up!

  2. I can't tell the difference between the one you like and the one you don't -- they're both terrific!

    - Tina
