Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Mar 12 Columbia City

Sunday, October 23, 2011

First Impressions of China.

Finally broke through the Great fireWall of China and figured out how to post from here in Jingdezhen.  
A wall made of broken or discarded ceramics.
A small shrine/temple thingy set back in the mosquito-filled woods.
San Bao.
Massage and Dining.
My friend/translator/student/guide, Gao Ling in the studio.


  1. This is so awesomely beautiful...loved your illustrations and true colors of China.

    Alarm System.

  2. These are beautiful Steve! We look forward to seeing more.

  3. I really like your subject choices. (Were you inundated with mosquitoes in the woods?)

  4. Yes, the mosquitos were hungry, but it made me work fast and probably improved the drawing.

  5. Congratulations on the breakthrough! Great sketches. Such detail! You're going to have quite a collection at this rate.

  6. The technical side of things does my head in, but many thanks for the wonderful drawings.
