Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Mar 12 Columbia City

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Solo sketchcrawl in Walla Walla

Walla Walla called this weekend with a family commitment, but it didn't keep me from participating in the International Sketchcrawl. I spent most of Saturday afternoon on Main Street sketching several scenes. These are the ones I had time to complete. I'm sad to have missed the Portland crew and the International District, one of my favorite locations.

 I copied the plaque on the Day Reynolds Building. Apparently it was the site of the first constitutional convention of Washington Territory in 1878, ten years before we became a state. It now houses Falkenberg's Jewelers store. 

Olives Restaurant, formerly the Mercantile.


  1. Nice stories and great sketches. Was Frank with you? I swear that's his hat on the guy facing away from you in the restaurant. ha ha!

  2. Love your October palette on these, Jane!
