Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, Jan. 25: Gab & Grab

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sketch Crawl Sunday August 21st

This Sunday we are meeting for a sketchcrawl at Kenmore Air in Kenmore Washington on the north edge of Lake Washington.  If you want to see and sketch float planes being loaded into the water, be there between 7:00-8:00 am.  From 8:00 am to 9:00 am multiple planes take off for South Lake Union.
More flights happen at 9:00 am and around 2:00pm.  There are  private planes and a few Kenmore planes parked at Kenmore after the flights so if you arrive after flights have taken off there is still much to sketch.  Also next door is Log Boom park, another location that has been on our list.  There will not be an official start time since people may want to arrive at different times.  Let's try to connect at 10:00 am at the terminal entrance so the early birds can touch base with the late comers. 

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