Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Jan. 8: Union Station

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cold, wet but oh, so green.

My husband Jeff and I are finishing up our first trip to Ireland. We're having a good trip in spite of being followed by a very large cloud. You can see I have bonded with pubs and Irish music!
The Antrim Coast in northen Ireland

Quiet Man Bridge, used in the movie of that name.

What to do on a rainy Irish night.
Players make the best models.


  1. Great sketches, particularly "what to do on a quiet night". Not been to Ireland yet myself, it's on the doorstep so easy to neglect, but everyone I know who's been speaks of being followed around by a rain cloud. I'm thinking it's something they do for visitors so it's always green and they have to spend more time in pubs drinking the black stuff.

  2. thanks for sharing these great moments, Peggy! Fun to travel with you this way! We can hear the fiddlers.

  3. Looks like lots of fun! I too especially like the 'rainy night' one, though the coast looks very soothing in your sketch
