Next Sketch Outing

Thursday, Feb. 20: Wintergrass

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Value Studies in sketching

Last week a friend of mine and I substitute taught Frank Ching's Architectural sketching class at the U.W.  It took two of us to handle a class of 40 which Frank teaches by himself.  Great fun though.  We introduced watercolor to them  focusing on value.  Here are thumb nail sketches I did talking to students about doing a quick value study.  Also a sketch that I did there.


  1. Great sketches, Gail! The top one especially feels light and easy-breezy, musical. Another group I'm in touch with is doing value studies this month too. I guess great minds run in the same curlicues!

  2. Your eye for composition goes so well with the technique that you use for architectural sketches. These are just a pleasure to look at.
