Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, March 21, 2011

20 March 11 - Light Rail sketchcrawl

Was this our first real "crawl," moving from place to place? Whatever, it was a lot of fun and kudos, as always, to Gail for the organization. Wasn't quite as warm as we might have hoped: this first one was done (wimpishly) from the Starbucks inside the Safeway by the Othello station, the backs of the structures facing MLK Way. Loved the diversity in the signs: East African grocery, Chinese restaurant, Vietnamese...


  1. nice picture your blog is good for art lovers keep it up

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  2. Excellent idea to add the map!

  3. terrific concept and sketches! Living vicariously through you as usual.

  4. Great sketches Susan. Smart to enjoy the sketch from indoors!

  5. These have a very Japanese feeling to them...sparse yet still getting the essence of the scene_very interesting.
