Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, February 7, 2011

On the train to Vancouver.


  1. Great sketch Steve. Makes me want to go on a train trip.

  2. me too! maybe as a group? This seems so cozy. Wonderful sketch!

  3. Really nice! Good sense of movement. Is that someone drawing right across from you too?

  4. That's the daughter of fellow sketcher Jackie. All three of us did several sketches during our weekend in Vancouver. More to come!

  5. Steve, what I like most about all your work is that the line work and color compliment each other so well. Great stuff.

  6. You may be on the right train, but are you on the right car? Always check the outside of the train car you’re riding in to make sure it’s actually going to your destination. Sometimes trains decouple and split off in different directions. what to do in los angeles
