Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter Waltz @ Benaroya

Friday night was the 18th annual Winter Waltz @ Benaroya Hall.  This is a fundraiser event put on by Friends of Garfield Orchestra and the Garfield High School Orchestra led by Marcus Tsutakawa. 
It was a wonderful event open to the community.  Students, parents and general supporters of the orchestra attended.  An evening of waltzing from 7:00 to 11:00.   What was so great about it was seeing everyone enjoy the dance whether or not you really knew how.  At some moments there were so many people on the dance floor that it felt like driving in evening traffic!  The music was excellent and filled the space.  I brought my sketchbook and watercolors here are the sketches I did while there.
Winter Waltz @ Benaroya Hall

Chihuly Chandelier @ Entry Lobby, Benaroya Hall


  1. Gail,
    Oh My! Terrific images,especially how you convey the dancing couples. Very nice.
    Frank B

  2. don't know why I hesitated to say this before, but these "large views" of the scene reminds me of why I go to the movies -- these are cinematic moments!

  3. I think these are terrific and it portrays a grand happening in a sort of old-fashioned way. Wonderful!

  4. What a lovely event, Gail. You are so skilled at capturing grand spaces and mood.

  5. Thanks for all your comments. I felt it was a gift to be able to listen to that wonderful music and do my sketching. I like to grab these opportunities to sketch places I wouldn't normally be able to make time to sketch.

  6. Great sketches, Gail! They have a wonderful sense of light!

  7. Gail
    You are to be commended for trying to capture the Chihuly glass sculpture-a real challenge. I like the subtle color and contrast of wild glass inside the box-like building.

  8. Lovely, definitely grand spaces and wonderfully rich colors.
