Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Nov. 3: Overlook Walk

Saturday, January 22, 2011

30th WW Sketchcrawl: Part 2

Some of us had another opportunity to sketch today at a Concert for Musicworks Northwest.  This was a fundraising event for this group.  Geoffrey Castle, electric violinist gave a wonderful concert. I had heard him before at Sea Tac Airport.  He was absolutely amazing.  Musicworks Northwest is a nonprofit organization that teaches kids music...makes it available and affordable to any child who wants to learn.
I was astounded by the professional facilities they have for concerts and studios they have for teaching as well as recording music.  Thanks to Gabi for setting this up for us.


  1. Gail, you really capture the depth and "acoustics," if you will, of this room -- as you often do. How you do that with light and shadow is some kind of magic act!

  2. Gail,
    Great sketches. Your ability to capture the sense and mood of a setting is amazing! Sorry I missed the trip.
    Frank B

  3. Beautiful Gail. The light just dances.
