Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 19th Sketchcrawl at the Ballard Sunday Farmers Market

Hi all,
Our next Sketchcrawl is this coming Sunday September 19th.  Let's plan on meeting at the Ballard Centennial Bell Tower on 22nd Ave. N.W. and Ballard Ave. N.W. at 10:00 am.
Parking will be very difficult.  You may want to get there early to find parking.  I was able to find some parking on Shilshole Ave. N.W. last time I was there.   Look forward to seeing you there.


  1. Looks great Gail. We could start with the bell tower!

  2. i'm with you Peggy, let's start by drawing the campanario! :) looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday

  3. Wow, Gabi, I never knew. That must be why your voice and spirit ring out with such vitality!

  4. Hey,
    I missed these comments. I had no idea Campanario meant Bell Tower.
